Holder voluntarily assumes all risk and danger arising from, or related in any way to, the event, whether occurring prior to, during, or after the event, however caused and whether by negligence or otherwise, including, but not limited to, the risk of personal injury (including death), the risk of lost, stolen or damaged property, and all other hazards related to the event including the inherent risk of exposure to covid-19. Without limiting the foregoing, by attending and/or participating in the event, holder, on his/her own behalf and on behalf of any accompanying minor(s), is deemed to have, and hereby does, voluntarily and knowingly, waive, release, discharge and relinquish any and all claims, actions and lawsuits of any kind related to or arising from his/her attendance, including those related to covid-19, against any party involved in the staging, conduct, participation in, production or distribution of the event.